Electronic Submission System
or email
Prospective authors are kindly
invited to submit full text papers
including results, tables, figures
and references. Full text papers
(.pdf) will be accepted via
iConference submission system or
email. Please use the
Template when preparing your
full paper. And each submitted paper
should be with at least 10 pages
after formatting.
Notes: All submitted papers need to
be original, must not be previously
published or accepted for
publication elsewhere, must not be
under review by any other conference
or publication during the review
All submitted papers will go through
a double-blind reviewing process by
at least two reviewers drawn from
the technical committees, also if
you don't want do publish any paper,
you are welcome to join us as
presenter, listener, etc.
Accepted papers after undergoing a preliminary review and rigorous peer review will be published in conference proceedings, which will be sent to indexed by Scopus, EI Compendex, SCImago, zbMATH, etc.
few selected papers of extended
version will be published in
Journal of
Communications as a special issue,
which will be indexed by SCOPUS,
DBLP, EBSCO, ULRICH's Periodicals
Directory; INSPEC, etc.